Sunday, August 23, 2015

Being the New Kid

This morning I woke up with a bad case of homesickness. I desperately wanted to call my family and friends and say, "I'm homesick. Let's go to breakfast or meet up later for dinner." I wanted it to be easy, to just be myself with people who love me.

But right now it's not that easy. See I'm the new kid. Each interaction I have with people in Prague feels pressured. I feel as though I have to be my best self each and every time.  

A million questions and judgements flurry through my mind while I'm with others. 

"Do they like me?"

"Why did I tell that story? I should have shared this one instead."

"Be open-minded. Take the time to listen."

"Why are you worrying about this when there are people with such 'bigger' things going on in their lives?"

And while all of this scurries across my conscious, another part of my mind desperately shouts, "Stop this. Just be you! They'll like you." 

This stage of feeling awkward and the wash of blue feelings will pass. What I need to do until it does is keep accepting the invitations here and just enjoy getting to know others. I need to reconnect with faraway friends and family to strengthen my sense of self.  And lastly treat myself with kindness.  That all sounds good but maybe for today, I just need to watch another episode of "Orange is the New Black," and go to bed early. Those are things I think I can do.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

My New Home

I realized today while chatting with a friend who was sharing photos of their new home, that I had yet to provide the "grand tour" of my new apartment.

I decided to play with an app that's new to me to do this. It's called Photoshere and it helps to capture a 360º view.

*Disclaimer, The photos aren't perfectly aligned but feel like they give a good impression overall. 

There's more to do around the apartment, like hanging artwork, but definitely feeling settled in my new home. Without further ado, here's a little peek at my new place.

For those that need them, a few Photosphere tips:

  • To use the 360º view, click on one of the images below and you can use your trackpad to explore.
  • You can zoom in/out as well as look at all sides from the ceiling to the floor. 
  • You can also click on the blue "view on Google maps" to open the link if that's easier for you. 

The hallway & entry

Living room


My bedroom

Second bedroom (aka laundry room for now)