Saturday, March 28, 2020

Learning Lines: Taking a Line Sketching Class

My first line sketch.

Learning lines.

My teacher said,
"Not too straight.
Lean into the wiggle.
Make an approximation.
This imperfection in your lines gives your piece more character."

I'm taking a free online line sketching course with my mom. 
This class has given me a physical reminder to let go. 
To let go of control, which for me on a good day, is hard, 
and some moments
can be even more challenging. 

The wiggles and approximations feel just right today. It's a good day. 


  1. This is really good! I love that you were told to lean in to the wiggles. Great advice!

    1. Thanks! Today we're adding some watercolors to our pieces so more wiggling ahead. It also reminded me of when I'm exercising and my muscles twitch when they're being pushed.

  2. I love your drawing, and the line “Lean into the wiggle” fascinates me. It’s a metaphor. I might need to write a poem. I’d love to know the class you’re taking.

    1. Glenda, I loved that line too about the wiggle. Can mean so much more than drawing a line. I'm taking a free class through Brit + Co. They offered free art classes for the month of March. I'm sure there's others out there too!

  3. A great drawing, you are definitely leaning into your wiggles to develop the character of your building. Love it!
