Monday, March 30, 2020

My Mom Has a New Hobby...A Social Distancing Puppet Show

The last time my mom physically spent time with her grandsons was March 18th. We, as so many families, have been practicing social distancing since then. What used to be a quick 20-minute drive down country roads has now morphed into 12 days apart. That's 17,280 minutes without physical contact. Without seeing smiles up close. Without hearing their giggles in person or being told she's not dancing to "Thunder" by Imagine Dragons correctly.

It's been challenging for my mom to be away from them. She babysat them both as babies. She played and cuddled and tickled them at least once a week. Now it's all virtual. It feels different to her.

About a week ago, my older nephew asked her to come over to his house to play. His face crumpled when she said she couldn't and he walked away, visibly upset, from my sister's phone. 

After we hung up from "Facing" him (his verb for FaceTime), she said obstinately, "I don't like this one bit," as she crossed her arms over her chest.

As a means to close this gap in her heart and share some joy, she had an idea. An alligator puppet from the basement combined with an old breadbox that was ripped away from the counter when my parents remodeled their kitchen and a red blanket provided all the tools she needed to get started.

Introducing Al the alligator!

Every couple of days my mom films a new episode to send to her grandsons. I'm her cinematographer and producer. My dad made his debut appearance as an actor in episode two, where Al got a little too close and bit him. In the episode I'm sharing with you today, Al plays the kazoo. Why? Because her older grandson loves music and loves watching marching bands in parades. She also chose to play a song he sang in the background yesterday as we "Faced" their family.

She's not the only grandparent finding new ways to connect. She's not the only person using this time to be creative. She's just one of the many of us finding new ways to bring joy to our loved ones, but I can tell you, her imagination, creativity, and commitment, have all impressed me. 


  1. I am in awe of your Mom! My granddaughter is 17 months old...we are having fun through FaceTime...puppets! These are FABULOUS! Love that Al plays the kazoo. So special! This is what the children will remember, in all the years to come.

    1. Ohhh... a live FaceTime puppet show? That sounds fabulous. I'm sure your granddaughter loves them. What a special memory for all of us to have from this unusual time apart. Sharing love through the screens.

  2. What a fantastic idea. To be so close to her grandchildren yet so far away must be excruciating for your mom. Why did Al bite? Does Al do costume changes? What other musical instruments does Al play? So many possibilities for fun and a fabulous up cycling of the bread box.

    1. It is hard for her. Unfortunately Al bit my dad due to my dad getting a little too close to share his cup of coffee. My nephews love silly books and we thought it would be playful to add that bit. And yes, Al will be wearing costumes in upcoming episodes. I believe his next one is set in the bathroom where he'll be wearing a handcrafted shower cap and obviously a towel. Making fun memories for sure.

  3. This is so much fun! Thanks for sharing!

  4. What an absolutely brilliant idea! I'm glad it has all come together for you to entertain your nephews. I have a few puppets in our school, but none of our teachers are quite brave enough to use one, not really a part of their culture, but I think I need to encourage them. Puppets are brilliant!
